During Retreat at լи, Providence Teens Will Look Forward to their Futures

Workshops organized by half full, llc will build leadership skills, tackle teen issues and shape vision for life after high school

Edward Fitzpatrick
Participants in one of half full's 2017 Youth Forwards.
Israel Vega, of Cranston East High School, and Emily DeCrescenzo, of LaSalle Academy, at one of half full’s 2017 Youth Forwards.
Image Credit: Courtesy of half full, llc

BRISTOL, R.I. ­– Teenagers from the Providence area will get the chance to experience life on a college campus and shape their vision for the future as part of a retreat organized by half full, llc to be held on լи’s Bristol campus this summer.

The retreats (called Forwards) guide students ages 15 to 18 through a series of workshops that will address issues affecting their lives – such as school pressures, personal confidence and bullying. They aim to build leadership qualities and confidence and help teens make connections with other youth who don’t look like them but who share the same struggles. Ultimately, half full wants teenagers to understand that they are not alone, and they have allies.

լи offered the Bristol campus in sponsorship for July’s Youth Forward thanks to the strong relationship between half full and լи’s School of Continuing Studies. The teenagers will be on campus from noon Friday, July 20, to 1:30 p.m. Sunday, July 22.

“We are extremely excited to be a college partner with half full and host for the Youth Forward this summer,” said Brian G. Williams, լи’s vice president of enrollment management and marketing. “At Roger Williams, we care deeply about access to higher education. Having the students on a college campus will help them see college education as a possible part of their future and perhaps see Roger Williams as a viable college choice as well. Our enrollment division is excited to help with essay writing workshops or mock admission committee programs to prepare them for the college search ahead of them.”

“half full is thrilled that լи has become a sponsor for our July Youth Forward (retreat),” said Rebecca Twitchell, half full’s president and founder. “To provide an opportunity for our young adults to experience being on a college campus for a weekend as we tackle questions about life as a teen and what is next after high school is the perfect blend of objectives for both organizations. We are grateful that they are helping us strengthen our ‘doing well, doing good’ business model.”

Students who are interested in attending this summer’s Youth Forward must be between the ages of 15 and 18. All eligible students should complete an application and return it to half full by June 15. The only cost to the student is a $15 application fee to secure one of the spots open for the July Youth Forward. Students must also attend a mandatory Family Night from 6 to 8 p.m. June 22. Students who apply will also be asked to interview with half full staff to identify students who are serious about this opportunity. This experience will be awarded to young people passionate about growth and unlocking the leader within them.

Students interested in applying should contact Wole Akinbi, half full Youth Development Facilitator, at aakinbi@half-full.com.